I was commissioned to create a logo design for a friend of mine who is launching a new business venture.


Logo Design

Design Brief

The client is looking for a logo design for their new dry fruits processing and packaging company. They have requested the Vilva plant leaf as the main focus of the logo due to its significance in Hindu mythology. The client wants the logo to be modern and sleek, but still reflective of the traditional values associated with the Vilva plant.

Key objectives:

  • A logo that represents the company's focus on dry fruits processing and packaging.

  • A design that incorporates the Vilva plant leaf in a modern and sleek way.

  • A logo that is easily recognizable and memorable.

  • The use of colors that reflect the company's values and products.

Target audience: The target audience for this logo will be individuals who are health-conscious and are looking for high-quality dry fruits. The logo should appeal to both young and old age groups.

Design considerations:

  • The Vilva plant leaf should be the main focus of the logo and should be easily identifiable.

  • The design should be simple and not too complex, so that it can be easily recognizable and memorable.

  • The colors used in the logo should reflect the company's values and products, such as earthy tones and shades of green.

  • The logo should be scalable, so that it can be used on various materials such as packaging, labels, and marketing materials.

Overall, the client is looking for a logo that is modern, yet still reflective of traditional values associated with the Vilva plant, and will appeal to their target audience of health-conscious individuals.

My Solution

The logo design was carefully crafted to convey specific concepts that are important to the brand. To start with, we wanted to evoke the colors of nuts and dried fruits, which are earthy and natural. Therefore, we incorporated warm and muted tones into the color palette to create a connection with nature and healthy living.

In addition, we wanted to showcase the strength and wisdom of trees, which are symbols of resilience and longevity. To achieve this, we incorporated tree imagery into the logo, which also ties into the natural theme of the brand.

To add an element of mythological significance, we included the Vilva plant leaf, which is known for its association with Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology. The green color of the leaf represents life force and vitality, which aligns with the brand's focus on health and wellness.

Lastly, we used a casual typeface to create a welcoming and approachable feel to the logo. This font choice was deliberate to ensure that customers feel comfortable and at ease when interacting with the brand. Overall, the design elements were carefully chosen to create a cohesive and meaningful logo that represents the brand's values and message.

Chopping off what's incomplete and saying: Now, it's complete because it's ended here.

Frank Herbert, Dune

Chopping off what's incomplete and saying: Now, it's complete because it's ended here.

Frank Herbert, Dune

Chopping off what's incomplete and saying: Now, it's complete because it's ended here.

Frank Herbert, Dune