This is a fun project I did for my colleague over a weekend


Logo Design

The Brief

Muscle Madness is a new gym that specializes in strength training and weightlifting. The client wants a logo that will represent the gym and appeal to their target audience, which consists of fitness enthusiasts and athletes. The client has requested that the logo should feature kettlebells, which are a popular piece of gym equipment used for functional strength training.

The client envisions a logo that is simple, clean, and modern. The color scheme should be bold and energetic, representing the passion and intensity of their gym. The client would like the logo to be easily recognizable and memorable, with a strong visual impact that will stand out among competitors.

Overall, the client wants a logo that will convey the values of their gym - strength, determination, and discipline. The logo should also be versatile enough to be used across a variety of mediums, including digital and print materials, signage, and merchandise.

My Sketches

Idea 1

The concept is to blend the intensity of kettlebell workouts with the energy of the "Muscles Madness" philosophy. The resulting logo is a rough and unpolished design that captures the raw power and excitement of this combination. With bold and vibrant colors, the logo immediately catches the eye and communicates the energetic and fearless attitude of the brand. Whether you're an experienced fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, Kettlebell Muscles Madness is the perfect way to take your workouts to the next level.

Idea 2

Tried to create a balance of professionalism and inclusivity. I combined bold and muscular fonts with light and dancing fonts, paired with pastel colors to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. I tried to communicate that fitness is not just about physical strength, but also about mental and emotional wellness and our community is open and supportive, and we welcome people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a newcomer to the gym, you'll find a place to thrive here.

Idea 3

The logo emphasis the text "Madness" with the mysterious Norse god Loki. Loki, known for his unpredictable nature and trickster persona, embodies the essence of madness perfectly.

Chopping off what's incomplete and saying: Now, it's complete because it's ended here.

Frank Herbert, Dune

Chopping off what's incomplete and saying: Now, it's complete because it's ended here.

Frank Herbert, Dune

Chopping off what's incomplete and saying: Now, it's complete because it's ended here.

Frank Herbert, Dune